5 Must-Do’s in Early Spring

By April 22, 2021Uncategorized

Other than a little unexpected snow last week, it’s safe to say the transition to spring has begun in the Lakes Region. This time of year represents an important opportunity to do a handful of landscaping tasks that will pay dividends in the coming seasons.

Here are 5 things we suggest should occur on your property within the next few weeks.

Clean Up

The removal of leaves, sticks, and debris that may have accumulated on your property provides more than just an aesthetic benefit. Early spring is commonly a period when the early growth of many plants occurs, and the weather tends to be wetter. A good spring clean-up will help reduce barriers to growth for some plants, while also reducing areas where wetness can persist creating concerns of mold growth or areas where pests can reproduce.


Snow and Ice can cause damage. Walk your property to look for evidence of heave damage in your hardscapes including upended patio spaces, fallen stone walls or other disturbed hardscapes. These can typically be repaired quickly, but if the damage reoccurs the subsurface and drainage needs to be improved.

Look for stains on your hardscapes. Stains are best addressed as early as possible. The utilization of a detergent and high-powered wash proves to be the most effective remedy. Follow cleaning with an application of a specialized sealant to protect against further damages.

Look Up

Winter can difficult on your trees. This time of year, while deciduous trees have no leaves or are beginning to bud, is an excellent time to look at the tree canopy. Look for signs of damage such as breaks and cracks, pests such as the Emerald Ash Borer, or diseases and mold evidence like discoloration. Identifying these problems early will facilitate better treatment of the problem, increase your options for treatment, and may help save your trees.

Boost Up

When the days are warm and the evenings are cool, turfgrasses in your lawn respond best to proactive care. If you didn’t dethatch in the fall, now is the time to dethatch your lawn. After dethatching, the addition of fertilizers can help your lawn recover from the nutrient loss in winter (please be mindful to not over-apply, or apply along waterfront or active water shedding areas).

This may also be a good time to add a shallow layer of compost to your lawn and perform an over-seeding. While this commonly occurs in autumn, doing this in early spring can provide similar benefits.

Spruce Up

It’s been a while since you’ve been able to enjoy your outdoors. Doing things like edging your beds, adding mulch, and doing some light pruning can help bring beauty back to your property. It’s a great time to begin this process to set the stage for plant growth, relaxing times, and overall wonderful seasons we have ahead of us.

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