The Evolution of Mowers: Interview with Belknap Landscape’s Andrew Morse

Landscape Management released their February edition, which features articles about maintenance contracts, beautiful landscapes, types of fertilizers, and lawn mowers. These articles help prepare the top industry professionals for a busy spring season by releasing information about the latest in landscape technology. On the topic of the evolution of lawn mowers, Landscape Management asked landscape professionals, including our own Andrew Morse, for their knowledge about the topic. Over the years mowers have gotten faster, more efficient, and more accurate. With today’s technology, landscape companies can cut through most any lawn evenly and in only one or two runs. Years ago, this was not possible.

Walkway by Belknap Landscape Co.

In the 1980s, the zero-turns lawn mower became very popular for its speed and maneuverability that was not available before the creation of this type of mower. Morse added to the topic of zero-turns technology in mowers, saying “the zero-turns help save time because you’re able to turn on a dime and make passes very quickly versus other models where you have to make a 10-point turn to turn around.”

In addition to zero-turns, Landscape Management talks with industry professionals about various technology that has improved the lawn mower over the years. Electronic Fuel Injection (EFI) technology for better fuel economy, larger tires and higher blade tip speeds to increase ground speed, and quicker options for collecting cut grass. The development of technology designed to improve the lawn mower has made the process of creating beautiful landscapes for our clients that much more efficient.

To learn more about the evolution of the lawn mower and about the latest in the landscape industry, read Landscape Management’s February Edition. The code to read is:


If you would like to talk to a landscape professional about lawn maintenance for the Spring, contact us today to secure an appointment!

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